Thursday, September 28, 2006


wow... it seems as though I only come onto here to write blogs at school... maybe that isn't such a good thing... but yeh, we just finished an IPP test... pretty easy stuff... and now I'm bored so this is giving me something to do... maybe this is going to become my school blog or something... I dunno... welp.. i g2g... cya

Friday, September 22, 2006

Next Is Better

Welp.. this is the second blog on this blogspot thing... so yeh.. i thought i might just do a better one then i did a while ago, mainly coz the first one was done at school when i was SOOO bored and needed something to do so i set up a blogspot and needed a blog to look at the preview... so yeh... thats the story behind the first blog even tho you didnt really need to or probably want to know... so yeh... what can i say...

visit my myspace at
it rocks... so yeh... go there.... and you get to see pictures of me and read all my other blogs coz theres more blogs there than here coz i only just set this up today and i got myspace a while ago... so yeh... enjoy that....

... ummm... ok... COWS GO MOO!!! i dont know if youve noticed by now but i love cows... so yeh, if you dont like cows you arent worthy to look at this blog page... haha... nah... not true... you can have your own opinion... so yeh... im getting bored with this now... so yeh... im going

Luv Steph

Number ONE!

yes... this is my number one blog... coz its my first one... so what should I write, apart from that I dont like writting blogs and talking about my life on the internet, so most of any of these blogs will be just things I write or like or find or anything like that... so yeh... this is my first blog... enjoy!!! (no matter how boring this one is!!!)

God Bless...
Love Steph

PS - Always remember that.... COWS GO MOO!!!